Sunday, October 26, 2008

November Book Pile

Next week I will (hopefully) post a review of the books I read this month. I'm in the midst of The Italian right now and it will most likely be my final read of the month.

I'm at the library today -- already musing about what to read next. I have a huge pile full of forgotten classics, contemporary lit., fun stuff, and a daunting challenge.

On the TBR for November:
  • The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser -- I was in the back of the library pulling a book for a student and noticed a large coronation edition of The Faerie Queene with beautiful wood cuts. So, in essence, my love of pretty pictures has inticed me to read a mega-poem. I also grabbed up A Spenser Handbook by H.S.V. Jones to assist in my challenge.
  • More Information than You Require by John Hodgman -- This arrived at the library easily and I think John Hodgman is uber-nerd hot. Into the TBR pile it goes!
  • The Birds Fall Down by Rebecca West -- I love this author! This book is a spy thriller about a double agent AND it is based on real life events.
  • Geek Love by Katherine Dunn -- my love of carnival freaks (thank you Angela Carter) inspired this choice.
  • A Spirit Rises by Sylvia Townsend Warner -- a short story collection by one of my favorite authors.
  • A High Wind in Jamaica by Richard Hughes -- amoral English children and pirates. Sounds exciting!
  • Uneasy Lies the Head by Jean Plaidy -- I'm on a quest to read all of Jean Plaidy's novels; a friend told me to read this one before Katharine, the Virgin Widow.

Looks like I'm going to have a wonderful reading month in November.


Andi said...

Mmmm, yummy-lookin' books. And there's nothing like a good carnival freak from time to time.

stu said...

The thing with the Spencer is that you have to get the hang of his made up stanza form. Once you've done that it's fairly straightforward.