Monday, October 20, 2008

Reading Update or Not

I was all prepared to write a reading update about The Body in the Library and the Kafka graphic novel I just read, but I'm just not feeling it. Both books were great but I don't feel like blah-blah-blahing about it.

My ear hurts again, but besides that things are great. I've just got no wish to be on the computer today. There is Armadale begging to be read and cookies to bake and quilts to burrow under. It has actually been fallish this weekend which is lovely. Everything is cool and golden outside.

Maybe I don't want to blog today because I'm on the end of a four-day weekend and I'm dreading going back to work tomorrow.

On Friday I had a lovely day of coffee and books at Borders with my friend Erin. Saturday I went to the symphony with Hope and afterwards hung out with snarky friend and Inky Darcy. Sunday was devoted to snarky friend and today I spent the day with Inky Darcy again. Loads of coffee and reading and compainionship this weekend and I don't want to give it up.

Oh Damn. I give-up. No computering for me today.

1 comment:

Andi said...

I'm glad you had a great weekend, but that does make it a lot harder to go back to work. Good luck! I hope you have a wonder-tastic day!