Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Cupcake Update

Last night I made the Vanilla Chai cupcakes with Ginger Cream Cheese icing. They are quite delicious if I do say so myself. I brought a dozen into work today and I may tote the others up to Inman Perk later. I swore a great deal while I was baking. My little apartment kitchen has very little counter space and I was trying to beat the frosting with a hand mixer and burnt out the motor. I keep telling Inky that we need to hurry up and get married so that I can get a Kitchen Aide mixer. I was covered in frosting and discombobulated, so after baking I settled on the couch for some reading.

It took me awhile to get into Rebecca West's The Birds Fall Down. Now, I can't put it down. There are secret double agents and assassins and all that good stuff. I was looking forward to standing in line to vote so that I could read, but as luck would have it there were no lines so I was able to get right back to work (sigh).

Yesterday, I pulled out all of my undergraduate English papers and was appalled. I can't believe they let me graduate! What a load of pretentious tripe; every paper is riddled with over-simplification and grandiosity that isn't warrented in 5-7 page papers on King Lear. I can't ship with shit off to graduate school!!! Yikes!

So my new plan is to audit an English course next semester to, a). get my brain back in gear, and b). write a more mature and well-thought out paper. I'm hoping to get to audit the Major Authors course at the University; next semester it happens to be Tolkien and Lewis (nerd squee)!

What I'm doing: drinking a generic Diet Dr. Pepper, listening to Portishead, and locking myself in my office
I'm about to: eat the rest of my lunch and read some Rebecca West
Later today: make homemade spaghetti sauce, read, handout cupcakes, work on a crochets afghan I'm making, perhaps watch a movie


Andi said...

Those cupcakes sound scandalously good. I might have to have a cup of chai later today just to quench the neeeed.

And I know how you feel about those papers. I almost crapped a chicken when I re-read mine.

Unknown said...

You HAVE to get a KitchenAid mixer! They are amazing! We just got one and have already used it for more things than we have made in the past year.