Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I am alive, barely....

Sorry it has been a bit. My 3-day weekend was very hectic; it included:
gobs of time at the coffee shop, grocery shopping with my mom, book shopping with Inky Darcy, playing Apples to Apples and getting wasted in the process, passing out drunkenly in Inky's truck, hangover headaches, a birthday lunch for my dad, a trip to the emergency room with Hope due to an earache, massive house cleaning, and hanging out with library school friend.

I also nearly burnt down the apartment. My toaster oven caught on fire -- as in flames were leaping up. I didn't panic, and smartly dosed the flame with baking soda and not water. Go me!

So as you can see, I haven't had time for reading, or crafting, or introspection of any sort. Bleak House, film and book, have been sadly neglected. I plan on reading more this week, as my days have already gone back to normal.

I started my doodlecloth yesterday and will -- hopefully -- get some photos up this week. This upcoming weekend should be quiet with work, coffee, and reading. However, I have to endure a kid birthday party on Sunday. Ugh... I hate kid parties.... I will medicate with Excedrin Tension Headache before hand.


ANovelMenagerie said...

Hey Amanda. I really like your blog. And your pics... but, I bet you guessed that already. I also subscribed to Bust. Cool link! I subscribed to your posts via RSS Atom Feed. Nice to meet you!

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

That sounds rough. Glad you're back, and in one piece!

Andi said...

Holy crap! Good for you for being so cool-headed with your baking soda.