Saturday, January 31, 2009

Is Bullshit on the Dollar Menu?

Not having cable at home means that I miss out on wonderful T.V. shows that would have me happily laze away my life on the couch. I know most of these timesucks are available on-line, but, guess what? I have no internet at home. This means that the lunch-hour and coffee shop internetting is spent doing important things like blogging, searching for turquoise tights, and updating my Facebook status. 'Nuff said, I don't spend it looking at T.V. (except for Toddlers and Tiaras which I find very disturbing), much less looking at commercials.
So today I'm cruising around the 'net and I see a tiny corner ad for McDonalds that says "stimulate your economy". You're shitting me. The way to revive the economy is to pump $2.99 in to a trans-fat filled, corporate shithole. Don't get me wrong, I love a McFlurry as much as the next big girl, but McDonald's isn't going to collapse. All the single moms working there for $6.25 an hour aren't going to get a big raises and have improved standards of living.

I rather take that $2.99 and buy some fresh fruit at a Farmer's Market, or spend it on a cappuccino at the locally-owned, fair-trade lovin' coffeeshop, or buy some old heels at the thrift store that supports the homeless. Hell, upgrade it to $5.99 and have a delicious bowl of Thai Noodle Soup at the family-owned Thai restaurant. Or if I have to go corporate and (goddessforbid) go to a store like Mall-Wart it will be to buy tomato seeds and potting soil so I don't have to ever eat another shitty hothouse tomato that has been sprayed with preserving chemicals, traveled in a truck for hundreds of miles, leaving a big-ass carbon footprint and leaving me with nothing but a tasteless faux-mato on my sammich.

A McDonald's meal is not going to stimulate the economy. The only thing it will stimulate is my ass getting bigger.


TronG said...

You should go into politics!

Becca said...

This is brilliantly worded! You should submit this to a newspaper or even your favorite magazine. I could not have said it better, nor do I think anyone else has either. Bravo! :)

Andi said...

Artfully written! I think Obama might want to include snippets in his next speech. I think you should write the State of the Union!

word verif: undog ???

Jill said...

Hey! I just happened upon your blog the other day and love it!

Amanda Roper said...

Thanks everyone! It is amazing how angry I can get over one little commercial!