Tuesday, January 27, 2009

TMI, Anyone?

The posting has been a bit sparse because I've been walking on my lunch break rather than blogging or reading. As soon as my chin(s) don't wobble so much I will get back into the swing of things.

Anyhoo, here is a fun something I posted on FaceBook; feel free to play along!

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

1. My dad wanted to name me Roxanne. I'm so glad he didn't even though 80% of the baby girls born in the 80's are named Amanda.
2. If Hope had been born a boy she would have been named Ian Yeats. Yes, because I am that nerdy.
3. I love my cat, Beauregard Fitzgerald Captoe, but I long to have another cat simply so I can name him Wilkie. I love Wilkie Collins and instead of bestowing that name on a baby, I will give it to a fluffy cat with Victorian sensabilites.
4. I am planning my entire bridal attire around a pair of flowery Doc Martens I have longed for and turquoise tights. Two things I have always loved and have never justified buying.
5. I orgasm every time I walk into a book store. It is very humiliating and tends to make other people uncomfortable.
6. I have never read Hamlet.
7. Hope and I have terrible table manners at home -- we play in our food. If we are eating broccoli we pretend to be dinosaurs eating trees. Sometimes we smoosh peas or chocolate cake in our teeth and say things in Cockney English like " 'ello ducky"!
8. I have a strong craving for The Golden Bowl from The Grit right at this moment.
9. I'm disturbed that I haven't been able to beat a nine-year-old at Trouble for the past two weeks.
10. There are several words I loathe: smear and cutlet are two that I find revolting.
11. If I hang upside down on the couch my boobs cover my entire face. If I ever off myself, I will smother in my own bosoms and leave the suicide note on my under-boob.
12. Speaking of offing one's self, one day I will have a tattoo sleeve of all Sylvia Plath imagery.
13. Of course this will happen after the Zombie Librarian and Cthulu Cupcake tattoos are finished.
14. I'm always saying that I'm going to go to grad school. Despite all good intentions, I'm too lazy and will never go.
15. I hate talking on the phone. I never call anyone. If I do call you -- feel special.
16. I love working in a library. I find all sorts of cool books, and funny books. For example the other day I found The Freud Reader edited by PETER GAY. HA!
17. I could be vegetarian if I wanted too, in fact I was for awhile, but I love sushi.
18. I could never be vegan because I have a deep and lasting affinity for cheese.
19. If had a different career, I'd think I would be a resturant inspector. I like pointy out icky things and making people clean.
20. I am obsessed with Arcade Fire and Sylvia Plath.
21. My first crush was on Sir Francis Drake. That's right, Drake of the Elizabethan age.
22. Everytime I rinse beard hairs out of the bathroom sink I wish I was a lesbian.
23. I wanna know what love is.... (boom boom boooommm) I want you to show me...
24. I have no patience for shallow, critical people who are too big for their britches.
25. That's right, I'm Southern. I said britches.


Anonymous said...

11. lol. (is that ok?) geesh that is good.

i could also go vegetarian if it weren't for my love of burgers.

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

I love this list. I actually laughed out loud at 23. I was tagged already but was going to ignore it, but maybe I'll do it. Maybe.