Saturday, February 7, 2009

Goals for Next Week

To add some sense of purpose to this blog, I'm going to try to post on Saturday goals for the following week and talk about things I've accomplished. This may only be a flight of fancy, but as of right now I'm convinced I'll do it every week.
Goals for Sunday 02/08 - 02/14:
  1. Finish Bleak House
  2. Go see Coraline with Hope
  3. Read at least 2 of the books in the House of Night series
  4. Journal at least once during the week
  5. Start on future MIL's birthday scarf
  6. Work on embroidery doodle cloth for at least 2 hours
  7. Catch-up on all the laundry
  8. Clean the oven
  9. Make Inky Darcy's Valentine's Day card
  10. Knit ribbon scarf for at least 2 hours
  11. Finish the BBC's Bleak House
  12. Bake sugar cookies for staff bake sale
  13. Bake PB bars for staff bake sale
  14. Help Hope address her Valentines
  15. Bake something for Hope's Valentine party
  16. Finish up at least 1 project at work
  17. Exercise at least 3 days out of the week
  18. Go on a date with Inky Darcy for Valentine's day
  19. Buy a book
  20. Blog at least 3 times before Saturday

Let's see how it goes!

Tonight after work Inky and I are going to the coffee shop so he can do some internetting and I can read and crochet. Then we are cooking dinner later on... chicken and taters.... yum!


Andi said...

Chicken and taters sound de-lish. Looks like a great list! Toss some of those baked goods this way.

sojourness said...

Your to-do list is making me hungry. Sugar cookies and PB bars?? :)

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

Ooh.. all that baking! Good luck with your to-do list. It's miles long!

(my to-do list would look like this: Monday, dentist. Tuesday, parent conference at preschool. Wednesday, Elliot's haircut. Actually that IS my to-do list!)

Ana S. said...

Good luck with all your goals! I am so looking forward to watching Coraline.