Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekly Reading Review: 03/09 - 03/15

I didn't get to read as much as I wanted to this past week. I feel as if I say that every week, but honestly this week was crazy -- especially the last half of the week.
On Thursday I rushed home from work at 2 p.m. to bake chocolate chip cookies for the Humane Society fund raiser. Hope got off the school bus at 3:30 weeping and with a swollen cheek. The bratty girl down the street punched Hope in the face and then pushed her out of the bus seat. So then I had to turn off the oven and go see bratty girl's grandma. With that situation quelled I went back to my baking and Sam, Hope, and I all had a blast at the Humane Society event.

Friday was filled with a doctor visit for Hope, lunch/shopping/coffee with my brother, dinner with Sam and Hope at the Red Lobster (45 minute wait for a table!) and wandering around Wal-mart looking for bathroom caulk with a hyper Hopers.

Saturday I worked and afterwards my friend Shannon came over and we prepared food for a gathering at the coffee shop later that night. At around 9:30 I got a call from Sam. He cut his hand on some glass at work and was at the ER getting stitches. So I was off to the ER to provide comfort! Once that adventure was over we went together back to the coffee shop gathering. We enjoyed steak, delicious twice-baked potatoes, and Wii play.

Needless to say, I spent my Sunday in my p.j.'s reading The Night Watch. After such a hectic week I craved some solid reading time. The Night Watch was quite good. It was "quieter" than her other novels. Fingersmith and Affinity were certainly mystery-like-page-turners. The Night Watch I would say is more refined and I really thought that the working back through time was extremely effective. I had to image how these people -- seemingly separate in 1947 -- all had intertwined lives. At the beginning of the novel we find Duncan, a young man, living with an aging former jailer; Kay, residing in a doctor's house and unable to forget the war; Helen and Julia, lovers who are growing apart; and Vivien, Helen's employer who is closed about her past. Each section of the novel recounts the year past and we find out more about the characters' lives. The Night Watch is one of those books that had me thinking about the characters and imagining their lives after 1947. I highly recommend The Night Watch and I can't wait for Sarah Waters' new book, The Little Stranger, to hit bookshelves in June.

This week I've also been reading Hamlet on my lunch breaks at work. Of course it is excellent. I can't believe I put off reading it for this long. Ophelia intrigues me and I find her lines the best.

Reading plans for the upcoming week include finishing Hamlet, starting my re-read of The Masterpiece by Emile Zola, and starting Angels and Insects by A.S. Byatt.

Now tell me, what are you reading?


Katie said...

I'm reading The Color of Water by James McBride. I'm reading it for school (our new summer reading choice) but really liking it. I am annoyed that I can't pick up what I WANTED to read though - Sarah Addison Allen's Garden Spells which is on my nightstand waiting for me when I finish this one.

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

I started The Night Watch the other day. It was kind of a busy week though and it's been put to one side until I can concentrate on it. I loved Fingersmith and Affinity and I have high hopes for this one. Managed to get a copy of Tipping the Velvet in a charity shop the other day as well, so I'm all set!