Friday, May 8, 2009

How about a collective "awwwwwwww....."

Tomorrow is an exciting day. Not only am I going bright and early to the Farmer's Market to score fresh food and veggies, but Sam and I are taking a day trip to Athens. We have grand plans to wander about -- rain or shine -- buying books, coffee, and art supplies. Perhaps we'll rummage through a thrift store or two. We are also going to visit some lovely friends. You see, on May 11th our one year anniversary will occur and we are celebrating early.

May 11th is the day we picked to be our anniversary. See we were friends before we started dating and we would usually run into one another at the coffee shop and talk for hours. Then it turned into we would meet at the coffee shop and then it turned into "would I like to go to the coffee shop to hang out and stuff." Then there were the constant conversations about why we shouldn't date because we were friends and we didn't want to "ruin" the friendship and all the while we were seeing each other and talking on the phone and acting very much like a couple.

Since it is difficult to pin down the first "official" date we had to pick something definite. May the 11th was the first day he kissed me, at 1 in the morningish, sitting on my couch, after we had just finished watching Weird Al's video for White and Nerdy on YouTube.

So cheers to one year! Yay!

I love you, Sam!


Ana S. said...

Awww...happy anniversary!

Admin said...

well ... it's just me and my dog here ... so well just give you a non-collective awwwww :P ...

( stumbled upon your blog through a google search > blogroll ... but had to comment this post ) .

good for you . keep up the good work :P .

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

Awww! Happy anniversary! Sounds like a fantastic way to celebrate!