Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009 -- Blog Year in Review

January (14 posts)
* I started out with regular reading updates / had a staph. infection in my ear / wrote an open letter to an online dieting company / began my embroidery doodle cloth / caught my toaster oven on fire / and ranted about McDonalds

February (6 posts)
* My oven broke the night before a bake sale I was chairing / lived and breathed Bleak House / staph. infection was still raging in my ears / had cable and internet installed at the house / Hope turned 9 / Sam moved in / picked a wedding date of 10/23/10

March (11 posts)
* Snow day / tattoo touchups / oven fixed / homemade cocoa / staph still raging / received Bessy, my Kitchen Aid mixer / endured bronchitis / joined the Once upon a time challenge / hung out at Inman Perk ALL THE TIME

April (10 posts)
* Embroidery / bookstore shopping / thrifting / consummed by The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher / turned 29 / saw a nutritionist / wrote letters / waxed poetric on the wonderfulness of cupcakes

May (9 posts)
* Hope illustrates the swine flu / Hope treats me to a Mother's Day "Spaw" / Trip to Athens / one year anniversary with Sam / lists, lists, and more lists / coffeecake muffins / scrubbed the kitchen / scored an awesome Transformers t-shirt

June (14 posts)
*Started working part-time at Inman Perk / sick / embroidered a yarn and thread bag / owl tattoo touchup / sublime stitching stitchgasm / / bloggiesta / Father's Day baking with Hope / Transformers 2 blew dog / sick again / Berkley prints

July (10 posts)
* Thrifting / Thai soup worship / stitching / baking muffins / Harry Potter 6 / Library OCD / bookgasm Barnes and Noble order / insomnia / warm milk / Xmas in July / Monroe piercing / Turkish coffee

August (12 posts)
* Hope growing up more / Hope starts 4th grade / bad day at work / Sam changes jobs / organized my pantry / finished embroidered bib / sucky books / 20 years meme / top classic movies / signed up for R.I.P. challenge

September (10 posts)
* Cupcakes / thrifting / coffee / Sam's 28th birthday / red velvet cupcakes / Godstoppers / RIP reads / library trips / pumpkin spice lattes / crocheted hat

October (21 posts)
* Blogtober fest / library booksale / got glasses / sewed an owl pin / egg on my face / vacation plannning / taking Hope to the fair / oatmeal mask / dinner with friends / death of a friend's child / Da Vinci exhibit / Autumn baking / weird neighbors / itchy Hope / stitching / cookies

November (17 posts)
* Goth librarian / Polyvore / hat finished / Tea and scones / meltdown / Beau trauma / bookshelf organizing / super secret embroidery project / twittered by Jenny Hart / beautiful and good / house organizing / Thanksgiving

December (17 posts)
* Scabies outbreak / three decorating / thrifting / Tollhouse squares / Secret Santa Bookswap / Beautiful Blogger Award / Our Mutual Read creation / library Christmas party / wedding secrets revealed / challenges / meltdowns / baking bread / Christmas / punk rock Hope / Sunday Salon / reading in the New Year


Anonymous said...

<3 <3 I love this!

christina said...

Amanda -

I just want to let you know that you are one of my favorite bloggers! Enjoy 2010!

Eva said...

Awwww....that first picture made me grin from ear to ear! And now I want a daughter right now! hehe Seriously, reading your blog makes me hope that if I ever have a daughter she's half as cool as Hope.