Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween, Bitches!

Work blows dog right now, but I won't focus on that. Instead I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween.

I'm taking Hope to the Square to trick-or-treat and she has the best costume: Tattoo Artist. We are adding the removable tattoos this afternoon, but the best part of her costume is the faux-tattoo machine Inky Darcy created for her. It is made with cardboard, tape, tinfoil, and gobs of spray paint and it rocks. It even has an armature bar and coils. I am determined to snag some pictures tonight -- I'm ditching my crappy-only-works-half-the-time digital camera and nabbing a disposable camera.

Tonight, Inky and I are going to get into trouble. Primarily vodka induced trouble for me.


Giggly said...

Happy Halloween! I can't wait to see pics!

Andi said...

Coolest costume ever!

Enjoy your vodka!