Saturday, October 11, 2008


Married To The Sea

I'm the only employee at the library right now. On Saturday we typically only have a student-employee and myself, but she called in sick and so I find myself at the front desk eagerly anticipating shutting this bitch down at 6:30.

No exciting weekend plans for me. I have $8 in quarters for laundry and $12 cash for spending until next Friday, so I am certainly opting for staying at home this weekend.

When I get home I get to start some laundry, do dishes, and then I'm going for a walk because I love fall colors and, hey, walking is free. Then I might make this pesto recipe and then what? Inky is waiting tables at the Thai restaurant tonight and Hope is at my parents' house.

I might get really wild and crack open a ginger and indulge in some reading. If things get really "off the chain" there might even be DVD watching.



TronG said...

Heck yeah Saturday night!!! If you really want to get crazy, you could magically find yourself at Bed Bath and Beyond, but I'm not sure you can handle it... ;)

stu said...

I know, I'll entertain you through the medium of mime... it working yet?

Andi said...

I hope the off the chain'ness worked out for you. Sounds like my night, too.