Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thinking Positive

I find it odd that I can be so happy in one area of my life and so stressed and miserable in another area and maintain a clear division between the two. Back in the day, the bad stuff would seep to every other part of my life and left me miserable. I find it hopeful that I can be positive even when shit is hitting the fan.

Work sucks right now. Don't get me wrong, I work with some of the smartest, funniest, talented women ever and I like my job in theory. It just feels stressful around here and I've screwed up a project and got put in my place and it hurts. To have 4 years of awesome work performance and screw-up one time and have it affect how my superiors view me at work.

Add to that the car debacle and my having to do credit couseling and I'm a mess.

But I've contained all of those misgivings about myself and anxiety about my job / money and am focusing on the good stuff.
  • Beginning next week Hope will no longer be in afterschool. I've adjusted my schedule to come in early (7:15) and will be home in time to meet her off the bus. I will save $236 a month AND will be able to spend more time with Hope.
  • Inky Darcy is kick-ass. We have so much fun together just devouring coffee and talking about random stuff. He always cheers me up.
  • Craftiness. I've fallen in love with embroidery. It is fairly cheap, works up quickly, and I love the bright colors. BTW -- I covet this.
  • Reading. I'm reading a ton of great books. All I need is cat, coffee, and book and I'm happy as can be.
  • Thrifting. There is new ginormous thrift store in town. Inky bought me an owl picture there and I have scored clothes and shoes for super cheap.
  • Fall. It has been cool and rainy in Georgia which makes me happy. Sweater time!
  • Baking. I've made bread, brownies, and some popular Brontosaurus-shaped sugar cookies.

See -- people, food, books, thread. That's all the happiness I need.


Giggly said...

People, books, food, and thread...
ahhh life! Love it.

Andi said...

Ugg, I hate to hear about your work situation. That utterly blows. However, I'm tickled to hear that you're compartmentalizing and that you're happy otherwise. Hurrah! And yay for fall weather. About damn time in Texas.

Dave said...

So where's the new thrift store? I NEED to know. NOW. Please? LOL

Katie said...

I LOVE that sexy librarian embroidery! Glad to know you can find so many positive things even when work life sucks. And yes, this fall weather has been a treat!

Amanda Roper said...

hurrah for compartmentalizing!

David -- the thrift store is Park Avenue thrift and it is right next to J&J on Browns Bridge.