Saturday, November 22, 2008

Exciting Times are Afoot

Exciting times are afoot at chez Amanda. In one hour I will leave work and have a glorious, much-deserved 9 day vacation. I have grand plans to bake, craft, read, and freebase cappuccinos.

I'm especially excited about the start of the holidays. Last year was so difficult for me. When I ditched ex-boyfriend I put myself in a financial bind and didn't have much money for Hope's Christmas gifts and the house felt empty and hollow. Of course Best Friend was there, but I got so depressed I didn't see the point in baking and decorating. This year I am so excited! Hope and I have crafts planned and Sunday we are decorating the Christmas tree.

Tonight I am going to buy the digital camera I've been saving for and then I can go back to my obsessive-mommy documenting of everything adorable Hope does. Expect next week gobs of photos of Hope, the cat, baking endeavors, current thread projects, and, perhaps, a glimpse of Inky Darcy.

I'm off to do my work duties for the next 45 minutes and then it is off to frolic for 9 days. And, yes, I totally intend to frolic my ass off.

What I'm doing: listening to Brazilian Girls and praying my new BUST magazine is at the house.
I'm about to: workish stuff
Later today: read, eat dinner, trudge to the coffee shop for more reading and some writing time. A large chai will gobs of whipped topping sounds particularly delightful right now.


Andi said...

Yay for frolicsome goodness!!! I got my scarf in the mail yesterday and I LOVE IT!!!!! LOVE! That green is one of my obsessions right now AND it's cold in Texas. I'm going to wear it every day. Thank you dahhhhling!

Amanda Roper said...

I'm so glad you liked it! Happy belated birthdayness!