Monday, November 24, 2008

I hate Mall*Wart

Saturday after work I grabbed a sandwich and headed up to the coffee shop to indulge in some chai and reading. When I arrived I skipped the reading to hang out with friends and indulge in a discussion on how awesome Icelandic Scrabble must be.

When Inky got off work waiting tables at the Thai restaurant we went to Mall*Wart for the specific purpose of stocking up on baking supplies and buying my digital cameras. After a frustrating hunt for molasses -- which by the way is kept on the top shelf next to pancake syrup in a haphazard way that even the tallest dude can't see (Inky is well-over 6 feet tall) -- we went to buy my camera. Alas, Mall*Wart was OUT OF DIGITAL CAMERAS. Excepting for 2 or 3 high-end models over $300 all the digital cameras were GONE. Then I thought oh well, I will run to Target or Best Buy before Thanksgiving. No problem.

So then we decided to get some of Hope's Christmas stuff. And guess what... we couldn't find The Last Unicorn or Princess Bride or non-whorey clothing for third graders. What the fuck?

I did buy yarn to console myself. I bought a lovely orange and green which is turning into an afghan for a certain someone for Christmas and a fun tweedy looking yarn with streaks of turquoise and green. Of course, if I had a camera I could show you. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..................

What I'm doing: listening to PJ Harvey, drinking a gingerbread latte, and hanging out at Inman Perk.
I'm about to: write for a bit and then knit
Later today: make this meatball recipe Inky likes, read, and read BUST if it arrives today!

1 comment:

Land of Lovings said...

I am so with you on the hating of that particular place. I only ever go there if it is my last resort or their price on something is so cheap I just can't resist. But, I always feel a little dirty after the fact.

And, I am shocked at how big of a problem finding non-whorey clothing for girls is. Did you hear about the whole "Who needs credit cards when you have Santa?" panties they had in the kids section last year? Um...gross. Call me crazy but I think girls should have a wardrobe choice that falls somewhere between pilgrim and prostitute.