Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday Frippery -- My Name is Earl (Grey) Edition

  • My throat hurts. Of course it is my own fault. I told Inky I didn't care that he was sick and so now I have his germs and I am regretting all the kissing (okay, not really regretting, I just wish my throat didn't hurt).

  • Since my throat hurts I've been gulping down Earl Grey all day.

  • Of course this leads me to thinking about tea and how -- even though coffee is my first love -- I adore tea.

  • Part of Tea's allure is that it is so British. It is up there with Jane Austen, and my love of British words, and Colin Firth.

  • All of this makes me wish that it would rain tomorrow and that I didn't have to go to work. I could stay home and make scones and drink tea and read something British.

  • Or perhaps I would just park myself on the couch with some tea and watch Monty Python's Holy Grail and / or Shaun of the Dead over and over and over again.

  • Sigh, but tomorrow is work and it doesn't look like we will have any rain.

  • One of these days I will make it across the pond.

What I'm doing: drinking tea, listening to "Camera-Shy" by the Lucksmiths, writing out a timesheet, organizing work tasks.
I'm about to: sort papers and shoot-off some emails
Later today: exercise, clean the downstairs, read, work on some embroidery

1 comment:

Andi said...

Colin Firth, Shaun of the Dead, and tea all in one post. I'm in heaven!