Monday, November 10, 2008

Look-it! A Supernatural Drinking Game!!!

Since I am poor and have a kid and Inky Darcy is poor we spend most of our hanging-out time in front of the T.V. watching movies. I've watched a load of movies lately: Resident Evil, Night of the Living Dead, Matrix, Ringu.... I've also been watching the first season of Supernatural that a coworker lent me.

Supernatural has me conflicted. I border on liking the show and being annoyed. I find myself saying ridiculous things like, "this isn't nearly as good as Angel" (except for that last horrid season of Angel). What the hell?

If you aren't familiar with the series, Supernatural is about two HOT brothers who slay supernatural beings and have a load of family heartfelt bullshit thrown in for good measure. Things I like about the show include creepy storylines and creepy looking evil things. But there are plenty of things I find eye-rollingly annoying. I've developed a drinking game for the things I dislike that seems to happen in every effing episode.

Supernatural Drinking Game:

Take a shot of your preferred poison every time:
  • Dean gives his "Blue Steel" look (see Zoolander for reference to Blue Steel)
  • Sam goes all emo and wants to talk about his feelings
  • Somebody says "am I crazy?!"
  • The brothers rescue a hot chick from certain doom and, despite the fact that everyone she knows has been slaughtered from a hellish ghoul, she smiles and flirts with the brothers.
  • Every time the brothers get caught by bumbling police and easily escape from bumbling police.
  • Every time the brothers nearly die and then suddenly defeat the hellish fiends.
  • Every time one of the brothers is possessed, turned evil, or a shape shifter steals their form.
Swear to god you'll be smashed after one episode.

I am annoyed by the show, but now enough to keep me from impulsively watching!


Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

I heard about Supernatural too late and I think the second season had already started, but I would have watched it, had I known. And I'm sure I'd have been just as annoyed with it (and for the same reasons) but watched it anyway because of Jensen Ackles!

Pedro Baena Luna said...

Curius concept