Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Christmas!

An early Merry Christmas to everyone. I've got presents to wrap, goodies to bake, stockings to stuff, and two family parties to prepare for -- needless to say I'm a bit too busy to be a good blogger.

I will say, however, that after Christmas is the blog-time that most appeals to my OCD-like nature. All of the year in review and, better yet, goals for next year. I plan on getting my Flickr account together, posting some major bookish anticipations, develop a blog schedule, and get ready to track some exciting changes I am anticipating in the New Year!

What I'm doing: at the Perk drinking a coffee.
I'm about to: go home, crawl into bed and read.
Later today: make Sausage Cheese Balls and clean the house.


Giggly said...

Merry, Merry, Hap, Happy!

Heather said...

Merry Christmas Amanda!!!

Andi said...

Merry Christmas, Amanda!! Much love for ya girl!