Monday, December 22, 2008

To delete or not to delete?

I had intended to post an actual post today, but Blogger is still being a bitch and not posting my photos. grrrr..... So then I start going through my old Flickr account where nearly every picture contains my Ex and me about 100 lbs. heavier. So I start editing and start getting depressed. I finally just logged out of the site.

So, dear readers, what should I do?

1. Keep on editing.
2. Delete the old account and start a new one and transfer the cute pictures of Hope.
3. Screw Flickr and become a Luddite.

Or there is always alcoholism.... after all I still have the photo albums to do...


Giggly said...

keep flickr! Don't give up! Then you can easily post the pics you want here using the HTML from flickr, after you've finished uploading them there. Does that make sense?

TronG said...

Maybe get a new account and transfer the cute Hope pics?? Either way, I want to see more more MORE!