Thursday, December 18, 2008

Are you there Blog? It's me, Amanda

Hi bloggy world! I feel like I've been MIA for awhile. Today was my last day of work at the library until January 6th! Hooray! Perhaps you will see more of me, or perhaps not.

I've been super busy since last week. I've been baking and gone to several holiday gatherings and then work was hectic because I had major projects to finish before this oh-so-luxurious vacation began.

I have gobs of pictures and gobs of things to say, but blogger is being a bitch and not uploading a damn thing and I don't want to be all scattered. So let's just say that quite soon I expect to have some for-real-honest-to-blog posts coming up. Topics include:

1. Baking Escapades involving toll house squares, molasses cookies, and exploding hot cocoa cupcakes.

2. Rabid stitching in anticipation of Christmas.

3. Adorable pics of Inky and Hope.

4. A baker's dozen book extravaganza.

5. Musing about Agatha Christie, Shakespeare, and book challenges.

and more.... Eventually I will put my Flickr back up. I just need to go through all those effing files and eliminate pictures of the Ex.

Peace, bitches...

What I'm doing: at the Perk drinking a skinny vanilla latte.
I'm about to: read some Agatha Christie and then head home with Hope.
Later today: fold laundry, shower, knit like crazy and watch a movie.


Giggly said...

Let me know when the flickr is up ;) Then you can add me!

The Prodigal Tourist said...

Cookies and books -- a great combo!

Andi said...

Oooh, hot cocoa cupcakes sound enchanting. Maybe not so much the exploding part. lol Enjoy your vacation! We'll be going back about the same time.