Saturday, December 13, 2008

Pissy Crafter

Dear Hancock Fabrics:

I am poor. Incredibly poor and find solace from my poverty in embroidery, knitting, and crocheting. I manage to eek out a small amount of happiness from giving handmade gifts because I love the delight of DIY and I'm far too poor to buy gifts for my dear friends.

I am so poor I haven't a car and I relish the chance occasion when I can persuade my boyfriend to endure my frolicking in Handcock Fabrics. I flit from yarn to embroidery floss and greedily eye all of your lovely fabrics.

I must admit that the past 3 TIMES I have been to the Gainesville Hancock Fabric store I have been utterly broken by despair. The store is dirty and disorganized and lacks materials. Thrice have I quested for the ever elusive black embroidery floss and thrice have I been defeated. I end up wandering alone and melancholy bemoaning the lack of organization, supplies, and available staff.

The first two times I chalked up the tangled mess of yarn and the barren embroidery section to hordes of grubby brats who most likely are ignored by mothers' too engrossed in the latest McCall's patterns to supervise their spawn. I imagine roving Lord of the Flies like children intentionally flinging so many lovely skeins of floss with abandon along the floor and then stamping on these bits of rainbow with a wanton desire to destroy beautiful crafting supplies.

But three times? THREE TIMES? Perhaps Handcock should consider hiring security for these godawful brats (or perhaps they are Orcs or Goblins or any manner of horrid demons of the night). Or, maybe, they need to restock, clean-up, and hire some more folks.

Yours Sincerely,

She Who Lacks Black Embroidery Floss

What I'm doing: at the Perk getting caffeinated.
I'm about to: write, knit, finish Coraline and try not to piss my pants with fear.
Later today: Christmas baking extravaganza!!!


Giggly said...

I too am in desperate need of Black floss......

Katie said...

I've been in that store before, and it is SCARY at times - even without screaming children. It makes me sad. You'd think if you worked in a craft store, you'd have more respect for crafting. :(