Monday, December 1, 2008

Inky Darcy vs. Nerdy Book Girl

This nerd-off occurred while watching the film 28 Weeks Later.

Inky: "If the zombies were attacking I would don the most awesome piece of metal armor; thus preventing zombies from biting."

Nerdy: " I would wear Mithril"

Inky: "That's absurd. Mithril doesn't exist."

Nerdy: "We are talking about flesh-eating zombies and you say that Mithril is absurd."

Inky: "Zombies are far more realistic than armor from Middle-earth. Given biological experimentation, zombies could become a reality."

Nerdy: "Mithril is a total possibility. Science could engineer a lightweight and tough armor. Tony Stark could do it!"

So what do you all think? Was it crazy for me to think that Mithril is an appropriate option for body protection when flesh eating ghouls are chasing me? Was I being absurd? Or, were we both being absurd?


TronG said...

You guys are seriously made for each other!

Andi said...

You win! Mithril is a brilliant choice!


Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

Not absurd at all, mithril totally counts!