Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Once Upon a Tuesday Dreary

I went to the doctor yesterday and she said my ears look fine and to finish my antibiotics. The culture came back that it was a staph infection, so I really was in Great Peril.

I'm back at work today after over two weeks of vacation and I'm still not ready to be back at this place. *sigh*

Add to that the gloomy rain and rivulets of rainwater dashing along the pavement and sidewalk and dousing my tights (which by the way tore in addition to being soaked) and I'm having a rather melancholoy day.

I'm not looking forward to going home as there is a huge pile of laundry to fold on the sofa. I am, however, looking forward to a relaxing evening of reading.

1 comment:

Andi said...

Torn tights, gas, and laundry?! That's just wrong.