Saturday, March 21, 2009


Thursday evening a terrible sore throat and cough hit me and when I woke up Friday morning I was shivering with a fever and feeling downright shitty. I called into work and slept most of the day. In the evening I tried to clean up the house and that utterly exhausted me. Luckily mom came to pick-up Hope for a weekend visit and my work was very nice and let me take off the rest of the weekend.

So I don't have anything interesting to say. I haven't even felt like reading. Sam and I had a Mel Brooks movie marathon, but now he is at work. I'm still in my p.j.'s and all I've managed to do today is blow my nose, cough, and lounge around watching mind-numbing television.

I have rice pudding cooking right now. My goal for tonight is to settle down with said pudding, burrow under blankets and watch the second season of The Tudors. I would like to read The Masterpiece, but my focus is lacking.

I hope everyone else is having a phlegm-less weekend!

1 comment:

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

Hope you feel better soon! You've just reminded me that it's been ten million years since I made rice pudding and my kids both love it so I really should make it more often...