Monday, March 23, 2009

Once Upon a Time III

Yay! I'm a huge fan of Carl's RIP challenge in the the fall, but I've never participated in this challenge. The Once Upon a Time Challenge focuses on fantasy, fairy tale, folklore, and mythology. Carl offers several different "quests" to guide participants in the challenge. I've opted to try quest the first, which is to read 5 books in any of the categories.

Here is a pool of books I'm considering. Of course, this is always subject to change!

  • The Neverending Story by Michael Ende
  • finish up the Fables series by Bill Willingham
  • The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
  • His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman (reread)
  • Nights at the Circus by Angela Carter (reread)
  • Stardust by Neil Gaiman
  • Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece by Gustav Schwab
  • The Iliad by Homer
  • Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
  • The Once and Future King by T.H. White
  • Grimm's Fairy Tales
I'm really excited about this challenge and can't wait to get started.


Ana S. said...

wow! Excellent list. Happy reading!

Carl V. Anderson said...

I'm so glad you are deciding to give this challenge a try as well, Amanda. Thanks so much for joining in.

Oh man, what a list!!! I am listening to excerpts from The Silmarillion read by Christopher Tolkien right now and will probably read some of it again during this challenge.

Time Traveler's Wife is amazing, as is anything by Gaiman.

Robin said...

I agree with Nymeth -- that's an excellent list! Enjoy your reading!

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

You know, your list almost makes me want to join this challenge. And I'm not a challenge-joiner. Good luck with it!