Friday, March 27, 2009

Photo Friday -- Whoooo Wants Coffee???

My mom picked up the kid early this weekend and Sam is at the tattoo shop tonight. Time to relax! This week has been a whirlwind: busy work, a trip to the ER for an anxiety attack, blitzing through season 2 of The Tudors and a rediscovery of my yarn obsession. I'm enjoying books, coffee, music and conversation at my home away from home: Inman Perk Coffee. I thought I'd share a handful of pictures from tonight:

The crafty and cool barista Catherine scrubs some dishes. She has a blog too!

My delicious skinny French Vanilla Latte was made and decorated in owlicious fashion by Catherine.

Super-Friend and barista Shannon gave me this pose when I asked her to do something "coffee-ish."

I swear on Maude I will update gobs next week: expect a meditation on lists, reading updates, and a peek at some of my creative endeavors.


Catherine said...

okay, so did you know you're the number 2 result when i google searched amanda a******? i don't know if you have your last name posted on here, so just in case i left it off.

also, arcade fire is finally in my library of music. i came for reading recommendations. :)

christina said...

argh. panic attacks suck, but your coffee picture totally rocks. the closest 'coffeehouse'-ish place we have around here is starbucks and i doubt they will make an owl in my foam.

Amanda Roper said...

Catherine: I will assassinate the current #1 and I shall reign supreme. Mwhahahahahahaha!

Christina: I spent many a year "trying" to have a coffeehouse experience and Starbucks, so I understand! Thanks for visiting my blog!

Giggly said...

Ugghhh...I hate those pointless ER trips.... I've had many :-(

I love the owl coffee :-)

Katie said...

That's the coolest and cutest little owl latte I've ever seen. Maybe the only owl latte now that I think of it. :)