Friday, April 10, 2009

Photo Friday: art, rain, books, coffee

Certainly I need to post more often than once a week. This past week I was on uber-antibiotics that made me uber-pukey. I spent most of my time hanging out on the toilet and watching America's Next Top Model marathons.

Anyhoo, on to the pics:

Sam is painting the back outdoor wall over at Inman Perk. It is coffee-inspired tattoo flash.

Hope is enjoying a hot chocolate and writing in her new journal at Borders.

My friend, Erin, hangs out in Borders and shows off her "future librarian" shirt I bought her for her birthday.

Mommy and Hope.

At Inman Perk tonight. I bought that bright, happy bag at Target today for $7.

Rain, slight hail, and tornado warnings tonight.

New book purchase. I did so well limiting myself to one book!

1 comment:

Giggly said...

I love photo Friday! Awesome pics!