Saturday, April 4, 2009

Owls, Stitching, Gendersnaps, and Thrifty Thrills

Embroidering a bag for yarn and embroidery projects on the go. Sam drew all the pictures on the bag for me.
Hope read and Sam drew while I worked on the crafty bag.

I made these delicious Gingersnap cookies from the latest issue of BUST Magazine. Through some faulty hearing on the part of my friend Shannon these cookies are now called Gendersnaps.

Browsing at an awesome community thrift store.

Hope enjoys the thrill of the hunt at the thrift store. Yup, I've raised her right!

We found this cedar doll bed for $6.50. I'm making a mattress and bedding for it. Wayyyyyy cheaper than an American Girl doll bed.
Awesome owl tray my friend Catherine gave me.

My favorite flower pin.

Hope is showing off her new haircut.Crafty bag WIP.

1 comment:

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

Pretty. I love the owls, Hope's haircut looks fab and well done on getting that doll bed thing! Steal.