Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday Sunshine and Solitude

Today Sam was at work and Hope was still at Grandma's. An entire Sunday of sunshine and solitude stretched out before me. How to spend the day? After I made Sam coffee and packed his lunch the cat and I crawled back to bed and slept until 11 a.m.! Any mom will tell you what a luxury that is! Although I did have a disturbing dream that Sam broke up with me because my neck was fat. When I woke up I straightened downstairs, did some dishes, and cleaned the bathroom.

After that I walked to Inman Perk. For once, the entire place was full of people I didn't know. I sat on the patio with an iced coffee and wrote letters for several hours. After that it was back home to tackle laundry. All in all, it has been a productive, yet relaxing, day. Tonight I'm going to watch Little Dorrit. Tomorrow I have plans for a birthday lunch and pedicure. Expect some recipe and reading updates this week!


Catherine said...

i want to read all the things you do. seriously. i'm jealous of your taste in books. and your ability to purchase them. :)

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

Wow. 11. I couldn't even imagine. Sleeping in for me is when the boys wake up after 6. So, 6:30...