Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reading Update: Monday, 04/13 - Sunday, 04/19

I completely meant to write a reading update on Monday, but found myself distracted by self-pity. As Monday was filled with feeling flabby and broke, I looked forward to Tuesday when I would be my sprightly self once again and tap out a reading update. Instead I spent the day dealing with a psycho ex-boyfriend who has started sending me letters and calling me. So then I spent the afternoon researching restraining orders and calling my Daddy. Because I don’t care if a girl is nearly 29 years-old and has a giant tattooed fiance living with her – sometimes a girl just needs her Daddy. Dads are especially helpful when delusional ex-boyfriends pop-up.

THAT is why my reading update is so delayed. Last week’s reading was fair. I read Sylvia Plath’s Collected Children’s Stories in one sitting. It was 50 pages long and mostly illustrations; the stories were cute, but forgettable. One was about some kitchen elves, one about a suit, and one about beds. Cute stuff and I can now check that off the Plath reads list. I also tore through Doris Lessing’s slim novel The Fifth Child. Nothing cures my baby craving like stories about evil fetuses and bruised nipples.

For this week I’m going to read Charles Dicken’s The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Then, I can finally get to Drood by Dan Simmons. Monday is my birthday and I’m off work. I plan to spend the day getting a pedicure and then reading at Inman Perk for hours on end.
Also, I’ve been doing what every good broke-library-girl-with-hypothyroidism does: RESEARCH. I think I’ve found the perfect book and I’m walking up to the public library tonight after dinner to retrieve it. It is called The Thyroid Diet: Managing Your Metabolism for Lasting Weight Loss by Mary Shoman. Hopefully that will at least help me decide which foods to eat and which foods to avoid and what vitamins to take.

Look for another reading update next week!

1 comment:

Carl V. Anderson said...

I am trying to remember if I've read The Mystery of Edwin Drood or not. I have this idea that I have, but maybe that is all it is. I won a copy of Drood recently and it looks and sounds like a winner.