Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Cupcake! A Cupcake! My Nerdom for a Cupcake!

I can honestly say that I will never be a photojournalist. My goal yesterday on the Athens day trip was to take photos of all the cool things we did. I sort of remembered and have a few pictures, but I was so excited when I was browsing the used book store, squeeing over a baby owl necklace Sam bought me, rummaging through thrift stores, and chatting well into the night with friends that I completely forgot to whip out my camera. Oh well. Sam made me leave my carefully planned list of "Things to Do and See in Athens." He said I needed to be spontaneous. So spontaneous I was:

The very first place we stopped was a bakery. I've LONGED to visit Ike and Jane. The shop boasts excellent Jittery Joe's coffee and a delectable array of cupcakes and doughnuts. I nearly had an anxiety attack trying to decided which cupcake to devour. I finally decided on Chocolate Peanut Butter but next time I must try the Peanut Butter and Jelly Cupcake. Sam was embarrassed by my picture taking. Apparently photography your food in the middle of a restaurant is creepy. As an added bonus, if you pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time before ordering you get 10% off. Score! My burning question: when will there be an Ike and Jane cupcake/doughnut cookbook?

Next, Sam and I commenced wandering around downtown. Sam spent a good amount of time in the comic book shop (which is why there are pictures, as I am not as avid a comic book fan).

After a day of thrifting and fun. We went to visit Catherine and Spencer and their adorable daughter Zoe. Catherine made delicious bread, talapia, couscous, and green beans. Yum!


Kate S. said...

It sounds like a great day. I'm still trying to work up the courage to try the bacon cupcake at my favourite cupcake emporium. I wouldn't hesitate to try a peanut butter and jelly one though!

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

Oooh.. Ike and Jane sounds like heaven!