Sunday, May 17, 2009


Beginning in June, I will be off work every Friday for the rest of the summer. Grand plans have been made to make Fridays Super Mega Project Day. Namely, projects will consist of painting furniture, cleaning, learning to sew, baking, and tackling other projects that can't truly be completed in a short evening.

In fact I'm so excited that I decided to start early and use my next two weeks of half-day Fridays to start on some home improvements. However, I didn't start this past Friday. Thursday night was horrendous -- lets just say it involved Sam and I both being locked out of the apartment, a busted door frame, a call to the locksmith, ant bites, and becoming $267 in the hole. Friday was spent browsing the library shelves, drinking cafe au laits, and reading Drood.

Today I decided to get started in the kitchen to make up for my therapeutic Friday. I had intended to drop some money on shelves, shelf paper, linens, paint, a floor mat, and a few other things, but I found myself quite poor and only bought Borax and a new broom. Next week we will purchase shelf paper and a few other items.

So lets look at the before mess....

Hey! Anyone want a sandwich? This is the nasty shit I found lurking under the stove and refrigerator.

After 5 hours of scrubbing and organizing this is my lovely kitchen!


Catherine said...

holy cow girly, that looks awesome!

oh! when i start school next month, i'll have fridays off too! we should hook up and do some of your mega fun projects. whatever they are. :) i'll bring the sewing machine or something.

Katie said...

Wow. Amazing what a little cleaning can do! My usual pattern in my summers off is to be gloriously lazy for 2-3 weeks and then get stir-crazy and start making lists of all sorts of things to do. You've motivated me...looks fantastic!

TronG said...

Beautiful! I especially love the mixer!

Heather said...

Lovely! Great job Amanda! I like that coffee mug on the wall! :)

Amanda Roper said...

- Thanks, Novel!

- Catherine: sweet! I may have a coffee-related part-time job on Friday nights, but my days are free.

- Katie, I'm the same way!

- Traci, Bessie thanks you for the compliment!

- Heather, thanks! A super great bloggy friend gave that to me as a housewarming gift... ;0)

Andi said...

Oooh, purty kitchen! Wanna come do mine now? I know you don't, but it never hurts to ask.

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

Wow, how pretty your kitchen is now! I should totally do a Mega Project Day as well, we have so much to do around the house :( I just need to get myself in gear by staring at your results a little while longer!