Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Total Truth Tuesday: I'm Down with OCD (Yeah You Know Me)!

I like lists. Lots of lists. In fact I would list listing as a hobby (in fact I may have that on a hobbies list). I make lists when I'm overwhelmed. Needless to say my Reader's Anxiety leads to many book lists.

Back in the day -- as in a few months ago -- I had a complicated listing process for books. On a pad in my purse I listed random books as I heard about them; a book recommendation from a friend, a library book on display, something reviewed on NPR. I scribbled them down and then added the books to my Master List. The Master List was an alphabetized Excel spreadsheet of well over 2,000 books. Then I would pick about 25 Immediate Reads and add them to the Immediate Reads pool which I organized on my LibraryThing page. Then after every five books I would choose five more from the Immediate Reads list and add them to the list of 12 books on my Current Reads list.


Well, it spun out of control (duh). I was listing more than reading and double listing and messing up my counts and acting like I need by own TLC special and a stint in a mental hospital.

In March, I decided I had enough. I RIPPED and DELETED the lists. I bought a simple notepad and this is the only book list I keep. Maybe I double list, but I figure that must mean its worth a re-read. To decide what book to read from the list I start at the top and scan. Next I look up or pull the ones that look interesting and then pull out three books at a time. My library fines are down, my bank account is resting, and I have time to read.

Do you have any OCD rituals? Any weird reading quirks? Let me know and we can start a support group... I'll add it to my list of things to do....


Giggly said...

My husband and I always say, "The list is life". Yeah, we do lists.

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

I have my little notebook(s) that I keep my lists in. No weird listing rules, I don't think, but I wouldn't be able to live without it!