For one, I finished Drood and the first volume of Y: The Last Man. Also, I've been to Barnes and Noble where I purchased The Meaning of Night by Michael Cox. I seem to be lost in a Victorian and faux-Victorian novel obsession. Of course, I'm loving every minute of it.
Also, Sam and I bought this AWESOME Transformers together. I found it in the bargain bin for $10 and decided to share the wearing of it. Best thing is it is old school Japanese Transformers and not lame-ass new wave American Transformers.
Plans for tomorrow: baking, swimming with Hope, and reorganizing my bookshelves.
I've been a bit obsessed with neo-Victorian novels myself, and I keep seeing Michael Cox's name when looking for recommendations. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it!
mmmm... vacation! Love the t-shirt and the reading report!
Hope you're having a brilliant vacation!
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