Monday, June 1, 2009

Was Snot the Greatest Vacation... or was it....

Yes.... Snot... The close of my vacation has been filled with Kleenex, hacking coughs, and sleeping with my mouth open on a pile of pillows.

Anyone who knows me even a little bit can tell you that my idea of "vacation" or "down time" includes accomplishing things. I've never been one who is content with just hanging around. I had grand plans for reading and finishing some crafty projects and none of that really happened. OK, well some of it happened. In fact I think a top seven is in order to quell my pissy mood. The top moments in this vacation, (in random order, or course).
  1. Hope: we splashed at the pool, we shopped at the mall, chilled at the coffee shop, had some great conversations, and she made me fruit salad to help me get better.
  2. Sam: you know you are in the right relationship when you are both laying in bed with Vicks Vapor Rub smeared under your noses, noisily coughing, and have that gross sick clammy skin going on and you can have a conversation about how you would totally be all over that person if it wasn't for Benadryl induced lethargy. That's love.
  3. Friends: We had two groups of friends over to our home on Thursday for dinner (not in a Hannibal Lector way). It was so much fun! Saturday night we hung out with coffee shop friends until well after one in the morning despite feeling crappy. That also rocked!
  4. Coffee: Friday was my first night working at Inman Perk. I loved it. Except midway through the evening my sore throat and cough showed up. I liked it so much that now I'm obsessed with watching barista training videos on YouTube.
  5. Baking: The only real baking/kitchen wizarding I did was on Thursday. I made gazpacho, cumin chicken, rice, and homemade shortbread. Silly me forgot to take pictures; plans are to remake the shortbread as soon as I'm better and supply some pictures and the recipe. Stay tuned!
  6. Reading: Drood is finished and I read my new issue of BUST cover to cover yesterday. The Neverending Story is well underway.
  7. Thread: I may not have finished any projects, but that didn't keep me from cashing in my Sublime Stitching gift card! Whoot! By the end of this week I will be in embroidery heaven.
All in all, I suppose this has been a great vacation. My glumness stems from the bright blue skies and terrific weather and being trapped by sickness. I expect by Wednesday I should be feeling better and ready to rejoin the world as my cheerful self.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hey there! I hope you and Mr. InkyDarcy (I love that name) are feeling better today. I think I'm worse :( Can't talk very loud and my head is SPLITTING!

I hope you are enjoying The Neverending Story. I'd love to hear your thoughts on (and DROOD!) sometime. It's one of my favorite books.

Weird, my word verification is manist. Huh.