The Mystery of Edwin Drood by Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens last novel was incomplete, Dickens dies before the serialized novel could be completed. This drove me mad because this novel is a mystery and I became obsessed with the mystery. Edwin Drood goes missing one night and is never found again (although some of his personal items of dress are found in the river). Did he leave for Egypt? Was he murdered? AGH! We will never know. Dang.
Drood by Dan Simmons
Do you notice a theme here? This behemoth of a novel absolutely sucked me in. While reading I kept wanting to take a field trip to an opium den or a become mesmerized. It has insanity, hints of the supernatural, jealousy, murder, gobs of opium and is narrated by one of my favorite authors -- Wilkie Collins. I'm still a bit ambiguous about the ending, I wanted it to be a bit more "unreal". I can't really say more without spoiling the mystery of this book. Currently I'm dying for my coworker Melissa to finish the book so I can engage in some major book talk.
Y the Last Man: Unmanned by Brian K. Vaughan
I was so excited to start this graphic novel series about the last man on Earth -- Yorick -- and his monkey Ampersand. Basically, a disease elements all male beings on the face of the Earth excepting Yorick and Ampersand. Women with very different ideas on gender and feminist values try to figure out how to rule once the patriarchy has been, for the most part, eliminated. An interesting and quick read, I couldn't help but think I would have loved to discuss this series in one of my many Gender Studies classes in college. I can't wait to get the next installment.
So that's it. My paltry reads for May. They were few in number, but all excellent reads!
*pssst... name the movie!
Awesome reads indeed. I didn't know much about Drood before this post, but it sounds great. And I've been wanting to read Y for a while now. Looks like I need to jump on that ILL.
come on amanda... i don't think the movie quote could get more obvious.
i love the interweaving of the story of the holy hand grenade though. five was truly right out.
Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three :D
Y so awesome. I really need to get my hands on it.
Andi -- hooray for ILL. I get nearly all my graphic novels/comics this way.
Catherine -- I knew you would get it!
Nymeth -- nerd points for you!
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