Saturday, June 13, 2009

W.I.P. it Good

Traci gave me a lovely Sublime Stitching gift card for my birthday and I was so excited! Earlier in the week these lovely patterns arrived.

This is the beginning of a two-part project that I'm really excited about.

Besides stitching I've been working, reading, and visiting with friends. Tonight I have plans to clean-up, bake, and then settle down with either a book or a movie.


TronG said...

Holy crap! Great minds do indeed think alike. This is awesome! I can't wait to see it when it's all done. Thanks for requesting this for your birthday. Not only do I get to see your progress and awesome stitching, but I've found an awesome new hobby as well.

Giggly said...

Nice Stitching!! I love the fabric too.

Those are the best patterns!! How fun to have stitches to look forward to!