Saturday, October 25, 2008

In which the heroine contemplates purple hair, beer, yoda costumes, novel writing, and graduate school...

I'm excited about getting things done today. Last night was relaxing and fun; Hope, Inky, and I hung out at Inman Perk. Inky and Hope worked on drawing and I embroidered. We got home after 8 and I stuck the kid in the bed. Then Inky and I ate pizza and watched Iron Man.

Today, however, is going to be super-busy-productive day. Hope is at grandma's and Inky is working tonight.

This morning I already accomplished getting supplies at Mall*Wart. Go me.

Right now I'm at work (shhhhhhh) and I have a mega-list of things to get done at work; behold:
  • count the register, roll coinage from copy machines, balance accounts, get deposit ready
  • fulfill and track stats for interlibrary loan borrowing and lending
  • plan a campus event
  • organize ordering and newsletter files
  • do a two displays (including a creepy halloween one)

When I get home the real business starts:

  • clean up house
  • scrub bathroom
  • dye hair dark brown and purple
  • tweeze eyebrows
  • read The Italian
  • drink as much coffee as humanly possible
  • listen to Fleet Foxes obsessively
  • figure out how to make an 8 year-old nerd a Yoda costume by next week
  • think about my novel plot for NaNoWriMo
  • watch some Vincet Price movies while knitting and drinking a Blue Moon Harvet Brew beer.
  • once I'm drunk start filling out grad. school applications for a MASTERS IN ENGLISH.

Much to do!


? said...

What if the mermaid meets an evil Sea witch who makes a deal with her?

Andi said...

Masters in English??! Wha-what? Very cool, my dear. As is the Blue Moon. Wish I had a sixer of those right about now.

Have a fantabulous day!

Giggly said...

Purple and Brown, perfect for Fall! ;)
Uugghh! I need to tweeze terribly!