Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Reasons why I am about to have a Carrie-esque meltdown:

  1. Workplace bullshittery
  2. PMS
  3. Budgetary woes
  4. PMS
  5. General boredom and dissatisfaction with life
  6. PMS

Prescription for meltdown prevention: post-work p.j. donning, 1 pint of Ben & Jerry's New York Super Fudge Crunch ice cream, stack of DVDs, immobilization on couch, application of pile-o-blankets.


Carl V. Anderson said...

Good plan! I wish you much success! :)

TronG said...

Hmmm... hope things at work get better. I don't want to come back to a blood bath!

Andi said...

Excellent plan. I think I'd like to pull the covers over my head and never speak again. Just pantomime.

Jane said...

How about a weekend at some fantastic spa?
Hope you feel better soon!