Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday Frippery

Welcome to a new feature of The Blog Jar -- Friday Frippery!

What is Friday Frippery?

Essentially it is end of the week brain dumpings from an over-caffeinated nerd.

Exciting! Prepare yourselves to be amazed by my random rambles!

  1. I really like the word dirigible. It sounds funny. Go ahead, say it aloud.
  2. I've decided that I must invest in some canned laughter soundtracks for work. The amounts of blatant stupidness and absurdity has convinced me that I am, indeed, on a sitcom and I've yet to get the memo.
  3. Happiness is a BLT.
  4. I have the best conversations with Inky Darcy. Yesterday on the phone we discussed: chopping trees down with herrings, the punk rockness of dinosaurs, Lord of the Rings, and pancakes. I love it when he talks nerdy to me.
  5. My zombie librarian isn't finished yet ( there are still mounds of books to be placed behind and around her) and I've already decided what tattoo I want next. I want a bright, retro-looking owl with yarn and knitting needles on the back of my right calf. In fact, that would make an AWESOME Christmas gift (hint, hint, hint).
  6. I wonder if Inky Darcy reads my blog. Probably not, because he might discover exactly how odd I am.
  7. The other kids at the pool wouldn't play with me and Hopers the other day, because they failed to understand that awesomeness of playing "Zombie Sharks Attack!"
  8. This evening I finished reading the part where Sirius dies in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Yes, I cried for the billionth time.
  9. Super Snarky Friend has lent me a copy of a Shakespearean PORN. It is called A Midsummer Night's Cream. I kid you not. And, although I haven't gotten up the gumption to watch it, I'm told that it is hardcore porn that sticks EXACTLY to the script of Midsummer Night's Dream. Yes, they speak in Shakespearean English. As Super Snarky Friend pointed out "it was actually not the worst interpretation I've seen."
  10. Speaking of Shakespeare, the Decemberists and PJ Harvey make me think about King Lear.
  11. When I picked Hope up from afterschool on Thursday, the counselor said that Hope was sobbing and highly upset because a little boy told Hope that "art sucked." I asked Hope about the incident and she got all worked up (again): "Mom, he said, (sob, gulp), 'art sucks' and I said 'you know what, Justin. YOU SUCK!'" My child is an aesthete. Yessssssssss.....
  12. Last night I was, apparently, sleep-walking. I woke up on the couch covered by a quilt. I have no memory of getting out of bed and coming downstairs to the couch. Why did I do that?


Andi said...

Midsummer Night's Cream!!!! Ha! Must get my hands on it somehow.

And I wish I'd been that passionate about art at Hope's age. It wasn't until my mid-20s that I would get that impassioned.

stu said...

Herrings for cutting down trees? Isn't that what Marlin are for? Take your Herring more seriously. After all, England fought two wars over the things.

Giggly said...

Sounds like our girls would hit it off right away if they ever met ;)

sojourness said...

Re #11 - you have the coolest kid EVER.