Thursday, September 18, 2008

Miss Links-A-Lot

It has been almost a month since I had my internet cut off at the house. This means that my blogging is limited to *lunch break* and café-blogging. Now, the internet has never seemed more appealing. While I’m thrilled that I have more time to read, knit, bake, and watch ton of DVDs with Inky Darcy, I do miss checking Wikipedia for information on weird pop-culture oddities, YouTubing videos staring badgers, and listening to obscure indie-rock bands on the MySpace. At least there is no chance of me indulging in some insomniac Etsy shopping. I also hate it that I’ve become a spazz when it comes to replying to blog comments and returning emails. I will usually read comments/emails and then forget to reply and only remember that I haven’t replied when I am on the crapper and there is nary a computer/interweb in sight.

But, oh yes, the appeal of the internet! I have several sites that I am currently in love with and spend my *lunch break* and café-blogging time ogling rather than blogging about my boring life. Today I thought I would share a few of those sites.

I’ve felt increasingly crafty lately since having dolled up my crafty corner and will be hosting my first Spectacular Craftacular with my lovely co-host Hope (i.e. the Kid). I’ve been perusing the interwebs for tutorials and patterns and have found several awesome sites. Pimp Stitch is devoted to embroidery and has everything from tutorials to free kick-ass patterns. This currently my favorite stitch-related site. Every Latina I know is getting this Cupcake-o-Guadalupe for Christmas. This site has also fueled my desire to organize my embroidery floss.

Another great sewing site I've found is Dress A Day. This blog is deliciously devoted to dresses. In fact this is international Wear a Dress Week and of course I am celebrating today.

Finally, in craftacular sites, is Ravelry. Why do I feel like I am the last crafty-girl in the world to know about this fabulous social networking/project-organizing/pattern-yielding goldmine that would make any yarn whore's heart go pitter-patter.

My other current project is figuring out how to have a small, crafty, autumn wedding (no, not this autumn) that isn't glitzy girl-fest. I bring you the Off-Beat Bride, the coolest and most helpful site I've found! I am raring to make some button bouquets!

Directly following this wedding thing will be my journey into having more babies. Hooray! At the very least 2 more (I'm gunning for a total of 5). Of course this could be a whole post in and of its self, so to keep it brief lets just say that my new dream job is that of a stay-at-home-mom. Although it will be several years before I have more kids and start that new career I've still be checking out sites such as and Sweetney.

And last but not least, be sure to check out BUST Magazine's blog; I am so looking forward to the new issue!

1 comment:

Andi said...


I just got my new issue of Bust, and it looks de-lightful!