That's right, Atticus Clay was born on October 27th at 7 pm. He weighed 9 lbs, 13 oz and was 21.5 inches long. And the kicker, he was born on Sylvia Plath's birthday!

My water broke around 12:12 a.m. I rolled over to snuggle next to Sam and felt a warm gush. We waited around a bit, but I was a little concerned that I wasn't having contractions and I was gushing so badly I was afraid to mess up the furniture!

I'm not ready to blog his entire birth story, but all my planning for natural childbirth was for not. I labored naturally for a while, labored sans medication while being induced, and then ended up caving and having an epidural and then having a c-section. I was tired, shaky, groggy, and overwhelmed.

My recovery has been rough. In addition to healing from a c-section after hours of laboring, the petocin (the drug used to induce me) caused severe swelling in my legs and terrible headaches. Add to that nursing every two hours (night and day) and you have yourself one crazy mommy.

For all the sleeplessness and pain, I have to say that I'm over the moon with happiness. Hope and Sam are happy as well and we spend most of our time staring at Atticus and watching the sweet expressions he makes.

I'm trying to get back to blogging and reading, but really I'm spending my time on the couch watching movies and cuddling with Little Man.
Hopefully I'll be around soon!
Awww... he's adorable! I particularly love the Book & Baby photo :D
I'm sorry you had a rough time, Amanda - I really hope you'll be fully recovered soon. Congratulations and enjoy the cuddling!
Ohhhhh: what a precious little baby! That's sad about your labour though. :( They put my sister on petocin, and it was pretty evil for her too. Sending healing thoughts your way. And congrats to you and your family; Hope looks like she's got the big sister role down already!
Beautiful baby! Congrats. I think it's rather sweet he was born on Plath's birthday, seeing how much she meant to you.
Good luck with the recovery. I hope having a darling child to look at makes the healing process go by quicker.
So exciting! I just had a baby this past summer too. I also tried to go completely natural with no epi. but did not make it cuz I had to be induced. He is so cute. I wish your family the best!
OMG He's so adorable!!!! Hugs to you and little Atticus! And to Hope and Sam :) I hope you keep feeling better, Amanda. I can't get over how big he is!! And how cool that he was born on Ms. Plath's bday :)
Oh my goodness, look at all that hair! He's simply adorable.
Congratulations, Amanda!
And I'm wishing you lots of rest and assistance from the rest of the family over the next few weeks so that you can recover and heal. Don't try to kick into Supermom high gear; sleep all you can. Everything else can wait.
Congratulations! He's beautiful. My (unsolicited) advice: take your recovery slow and easy. I had 4 C-sections and the hardest recovery was the one that I tried to rush. It's the perfect time of year to be inside and snuggling, anyway. :)
Congratulations!! He is just adorable.
Just today I was thinking that your silence must mean baby. Congratulations. I love the picture with Hope. How sweet is that.
Congratulations! What a beautiful boy you've got there! Worth all the effort, I'm sure. Hope you're feeling a lot better now. All the best to the both of you!
I'm behind on my reading and blog commenting but wanted to pop in and say congrats again. He really is adorable. I hope you are healing well and taking it as easy as possible. While no two labors are alike, ours were pretty damn similar it sounds like. While I was disappointed with the final moment that I felt like I "missed" in a way, over the months, I'm finally becoming proud of my work to get him here and really feel like my hours of med-free labor granted a lot of ownership I might not have felt otherwise. It took me a while to get to that place, so I hope you are feeling those feelings of pride already. Email me if you need to chat. :) Congrats, Mama!
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy! Lemme know if you need to blow off steam. You know how long that breastfeeding thing lasted for me. *burying head in sand*
Congratulations! That is so serendipitous that he was born on Plath's birthday! If I were superstitious, I'd say it was a good omen. :)
Congrats!!!! So beautiful he is. Take your time, you are going through so many changes, physical as well as emotional - don't stress over anything. Enjoy him!!!!
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