Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mini-Vacations, Pregnancy, Work, and Other Shenanigans

Tonight feels like a night for a meandering post.  I have so much swimming in my head and a lot actually going on in life and I really want to write but nothing really surfaces.  Sentences don't form.  Ideas never congeal but just ooze this way and that.  Oh yes.  A bullet post.  My way of expressing myself without those pesky little transitional sentences.
  • Work:  Two weeks ago a happily gave up my office to our new administrative assistant.  It wasn't a totally private office as part of the wall is glass, but it was the largest and nicest office (I've been at the library the longest, hence the office).  I don't regret giving up the office and going back to the main work room because I'm actually able to concentrate on the work I love and not bother with billing and receiving, scheduling, and supplies and purchasing.  BUT I am having difficulty adjusting to my lack of privacy.  Luckily I'm right across from my coworker friend and we spend a lot of time discussing books while we work and that is nice. What is distracting is the constant people passing by, the random questions, the fact that I can't pass gas or answer a call from my daughter asking if she can have extra ice cream or do much of anything without impacting everyone around me.  Today I was mortified.  I was stuck in what was supposed to be an online training and ended up being a sales pitch.  I needed to stay for the entire thing, but I didn't have to listen if you know what I mean).  I picked up my phone and decided to watch a tweeted video of twelve-year-old Ryan Gosling dancing to C+C music factory.  I thought I had muted it... nope.  I maxed the volume.  And it blasted through the work area.  I am a total dumbass.  Also we are currently migrating systems and headaches are very much present in my day to day work.
  • Mini-Vacation:  All of my vacation must be used up by 06/30 or it rolls into sick time.  I have about 2.5 days left and I've decided to use them up the rest of the week.  Wednesday - Friday will be a mini-vacation of sorts.  Hope will be home, but Atticus is going to daycare and Sam will be at work.  I have plans to sleep, read, and putz about the house.  Maybe even work up some more blog posts.  
  • Sleep:  I really want to sleep.  DESPERATELY. I'm not a napper and I never get up late; 5:30am weekend or not I'm up. Unless I'm sick, I don't go back to bed in the morning.  Now I just want to lie in a cool, dark room for 10 hours a day.  I'm so tired that when I go to bed I can't get comfortable or fall asleep.  It is a bone-aching, sinking fatigue and I hate it.
  • Pregnancy:  I go to my first appoint in early July and frankly I have had a hard time believing that I'm pregnant. The test was positive.  No period.  Fatigue.  My breasts hurt when Atticus latches on.  I know I'm pregnant, but it doesn't feel real.  I'm also having a sort of mixed bag attitude: happiness over the baby and then worry over bills and a few other impacted frustrations.

Now it is time for sleep.  Farewell bloggish friends, *mwah*  see you all in the morning.


Eva said...

Amanda! I've been travelling & stuff so am just now catching up w my feed reader. So, a bit belated, but: congrats!!! And sending you lots of good, healthy wishes that nothing goes wrong.

Eva said...

Amanda! I've been travelling & stuff so am just now catching up w my feed reader. So, a bit belated, but: congrats!!! And sending you lots of good, healthy wishes that nothing goes wrong.

Eva said...

Ugh, sorry. Didn't mean to double post! I thought I'd gotten capchta wrong the first time.