Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hello, Autumn!

Most Sundays I have some "mom time."  A cafe and a book for a few hours for this introvert mom to recharge her batteries.  Every once in a while this is flipped;  I stay at home and Sam takes the kids out.  This is my favorite mom-time mode.  Today was all about celebrating autumn:  some baking during nap time and some soup and reading while the kids and Sam are out.

I know it is blurry, but this was too cute.  Atticus was making soup for his Rupert Bear while I threw split pea soup in the crock pot.

I found some plates for our "friend Thanksgiving" this year.  Even better -- 50% off!

This afternoon is overcast and grey.  Perfect.

Baked a cranberry upside down cake during naptime.  I'm having friends over for dinner tomorrow and I knew I wouldn't have time to bake after work.  Oh yeah, that kickin' owl tea towel was also 50% off at JoAnn.

Split Pea soup for a nutrient dense snack.  Recipe coming tomorrow!

New warm, bulky yarn!

Of course, a big mug of milky Irish Breakfast tea and Harry Potter.
Now I'm off to do the less glamorous mom tasks (i.e. dishes). 


Debi said...

Not sure what has me drooling more--the owl plates, the cranberry cake, or the lovely yarn!

Susan said...

Have you posted the recipe for the cranberry cake? If not, would you mind doing so? It looks delicious! (btw, this is Zelma, actually signed in to Google.)