Wednesday, February 18, 2009

In sickness and in health....

Friday the 13th Inky and I went out for Valentine's Day. All through my work day I ignored the persistent ache of my ear, the throbbing around the ear drum, and the swollen lumps behind and around my ear. Grandma picked Hope up around 5 p.m. and by 6 Inky and I were off for a night of fun. We started out at a Vietnamese restaurant which was delicious and then he proceeded to woo me by taking me to not one, but TWO bookstores. First we went to Barnes and Noble and Inky bought a copy of The Divine Comedy (do you see why I love him) and I bought The Mystery of Edwin Drood and The Neverending Story. Next we ventured to Borders where I went ga-ga over an entire section of owl stuff. I finally decided on an owl mug and a pencil case. Inky bought an Apocalyptica CD and then we indulged in some coffee. We left Borders at closing with the intention of visiting some friends. Alas, on the way home a disgusting, foul-smelling liquid started pouring from my ear. Inky took me home and he went on to make our apologies to the friends. He returned about an hour later and I was in bed.

The next day he came to see me at work and I was feeling worse -- this time a thick fluid was draining out of my ears along with some blood. So after Inky left the Thai restaurant he came by to visit me and attempted to encourage my going to the doctor. Finally, at about 3 a.m., in the middle of watching Ghostbusters Inky declared that I was "going to the ER and that was final."

The ER was miserable, I had several shots on the ass, and they weighed me and Inky saw how much I weighed, and I felt disgusting. Ear mucus and a fat-ass will do that to a girl.

So there we are, I've been in bed since Sunday, venturing out to make Hope PB and Jelly sandwiches and to lure her away from video games. Laundry is piled high. I feel nasty. And good thing I came to work, because I'm behind.

I am feeling a bit better, but I tend to struggle with depression and in January and February it gets especially bad. Yesterday I felt like I would never feel better and I just wanted to die. Today is more optimistic. Hopefully, I will continue to get better, because Hope is turning 9 tomorrow and we have a birthday party planned for Saturday.

In positive news, I spent the time on the couch finishing Bleak House and Betrayed and I finished watching all of the BBC's production of Bleak House. Which, by the way, my Hope adored.


Giggly said...

My good thoughts are with you...hoping for your speedy recovery :)

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

Oh, feel better soon. I suffer from depression as well, it's not good. Hope Hope had a lovely birthday..

Becca said...

Aww...poor thing. You had a rough time. I know what it is like to have your S.O. see that scale and I believe that even if I weighed 110 lbs. I would still be cringing if he saw it. I hope your ear feels better soon. I have never had that kind of ear problem before and it does not sound fun at all. I send chicken soup and hot tea over the internet to you. :)