Thursday, February 26, 2009

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch...

... things have been going-on.
  1. Books: After reading Bleak House, I glanced at Ye Olde TBR Pile and realized that I didn't want to read any of those books I had piled up and ready to read. Well, at least I wasn't hankering for those titles at the moment. Kid and I donned sweaters and walked to the library Saturday to get some new reads. I came away with a huge selection and they are the new, and improved TBR pile. Right now I'm focusing on David Lodge's Author, Author (a novel about Henry James' failed playwright career and his friendship with George Du Maurier) and Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book.
  2. Cable and Internet: I finally, after 3 years without, taken the plunge and subscribed to cable television. I also have interwebs! Basically this started with me looking to a wireless laptop adapter-thing and realizing that I would pay $60 a month for internet only. With Charter I get wireless internet and cable for roughly $80 a month.
  3. Hope is NINE: Hope turned nine on Thursday, February 19th. We had a marvelous day and on Saturday we officially celebrated with a birthday party. Cake and coffee were had at Inman Perk and then the ladies (Hope, myself, and a selection of my female friends) came back to my house for pizza, games, and movies. And, Hope got a Nintendo DS for her birthday. Between the DS, cable, and internet Hope is in technology overload.
  4. Wedding Date: We decided on a wedding date last night. Sam (formerly referred to on The Blog Jar as Inky Darcy) and I decided on October 23rd, 2010. We really wanted to get married this fall, but given the economy and the fact that we will be paying for most of this ourselves, we wanted to allow plenty of time to save money and to plan.
See? Lots going on at the Nerd-ranch. I swear on all that is holy and caffeinated that you will see more blogging! After all, I know have the internet right here at the house, so no more excuses!


Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

Wow, that is a lot going on! I loved The Graveyard Book - right now I'm reading American Gods. I plan on spending all day tomorrow in bed reading it (it's kind of a day off for me!)

Also, it amazes me that anyone can live without cable. I could not do it.

Nine. Wow. My youngest's first birthday is coming up all too soon. I'll cry.

Congratulations on setting a date, how exciting! Weddings are great. (rhyming unintentional)

Giggly said...

Wow! Congrats on all of the new newness :)

Amanda Roper said...

Michelle -- I loved American Gods. I kept trying to get Sam to read it.

Giggly -- thanks!