Sunday, June 22, 2008

Random Musings, Observations, and Updates

  1. I got my car yesterday. It is an 89' Honda Civic and I love it to pieces. It is my first car and yesterday I took my first drive all by myself. I went to Publix and back and it was marvelous.
  2. Hope is at my parent's house for this upcoming week. As usual the first 24 hours I experience the exhilaration of having a break. After drinking a solitary cup of coffee and reading for a bit and listening to the stillness of the house, I find myself missing her terribly. I know that, however, she is having a blast with my parent's new basset hound (or as Hope would say "basket hound") and swimming at the pool.
  3. Today I'm going to bite the bullet and start working on graduate school applications. I don't handle rejection well and I think that is why I keep putting it off. Laptop and I are trucking it to the coffee house for some caffeinated-application-bullshittery.
  4. I really want to see The Incredible Hulk so effing bad.
  5. I had to take out my Monroe piercing as it was pulling through and sticking under my teeth. I'm going to let it heal up and then get it re-pierced.
  6. I've been listening to Chris Garneau today. It is good introspective - whimsical - sunshine - suicide music. (yes that is a musical genre, now)
  7. I'm rereading A Tale of Two Cities and when that is finished I'm feeling a Harry Potter read-a-thon approaching.
  8. I feel like kissing all the time non-stop and I really don't know where that is coming from, but it is annoying when you just really have the insatiable desire to kiss for four hours non-stop.
  9. I can't quit eating Strawberry Twist Twizzlers; goddamn addiction.
  10. I have writer's block and haven't written a poem in a month. This disturbs me and means I shall have to resort to vodka-induced freewriting sessions.


My Journey Through Reading... said...

I just happened to find your blog through the Sunday Salon and have been laughing my ass of while reading your posts. Congratulations on the car! Have a good week.

Literary Feline said...

How exciting about the car! My husband swears my Honda Civics. It's definitely a good little car.

Good luck with the grad school applications.

I hope you have a good week!

Andi said...

Ooh, yes! Hondas are the shizzle. Congratulations!

And now I want some of those twizzlers. Damnit.

Land of Lovings said...

Congrats on the car! And on the kid free week. We had a glorious kid-free weekend that made me realize how nice it is to have a break every once in a while!

Good luck on grad school applications...