My vacation was exhausting. Sure, I was off work, but I cleaned and cooked and ran errands, and spent time with friends and family. I had precious little time to myself. Of course when I did get some quiet time alone I spent it all obsessively fixing the nursery, crying over random things, staring at the wall, and in general being a stereotypical third-trimester pregnant lady.
Nesting. Oh my there has been nesting. From tearing through my office organizing like mad to cooking 21 meals in the space of a day after a two hour grocery shopping trip to fixing the nursery and weeping over the insignificant. This has been a crazy week.
Although there has been zero blogging and precious little reading, I have accomplished several things:

There they are; 21 meals from Don't Panic: Dinner's in the Freezer. From what I sampled, they seem pretty good and I'm especially excited about the soups. I love soup and I'm always eager to simmer a new recipe.
Secondly, the nursery is done excepting hanging art on the walls and locating a changing table. The changing table can wait for a bit as we have a pack'n'play in our bedroom with a changing station on it.

In other Atticus news, we had another midwife appointment and ultrasound on Friday. I saw a midwife I hadn't seen before and didn't have a very positive experience; I'm still trying to work out how I feel about the visit in my journal before I write about it in more detail here. However the ultrasound was wonderful. They're predicting Atticus is 9lbs, 3 oz, he has a full head of hair, and during the ultrasound he was smacking his lips and touch the tip of his nose with his chubby little finger. I can't wait to meet him!
We also finished our childbirth class and Hope completed her big sister class. I'm feeling stranger every day (heavy and my stomach feels numb) and I'm so ready to have this baby. There is a full moon this weekend, so y'all keep your fingers crossed!
Yay! You will love your freezer stash once the baby gets here, and the nursery looks adorable. We have that same lamp, btw, and Jude plays with it (off, on, off, on) everyday now and it's holding up beautifully. :) Sorry to hear about your kinda crappy MW appointment but try to brush it off and focus on the positive. You are going to rock L&D and you and Sam will be great parents! C'mon, full moon!
Wheee!!! I'm crossing my fingers for you. Very impressed that you accomplished so much. At that point in my pregnancy I think I just ran around in circles accomplishing nothing (and crying).
I see those owls in the nursery! Adorable. Greyson was just gifted a set of owl jammies from his G-Mama. So cute.
Love you girl! Hang in there!
[...] I’m officially on maternity leave from work even though Atticus hasn’t graced us with his presence. Last week I had a disheartening experience with the midwife I saw. My usual midwife wasn’t there and I had to see someone else. Since Atticus is predicted to be large (current estimate is 9 lbs, 3 oz at 37 weeks) the MIDWIFE was insistent I get a c-section. I refused to jump straight to a c-section and I’ve ... [...]
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