Saturday, December 31, 2011

End of the Year Plans, a To-Do list

  1. Figure out how to change a poopy diaper with out the rambunctious toddler kicking my fresh arm tattoos.
  2. Clean the house, I like starting a new year with a literal clean slate.
  3. Do a bit of journaling during naptime and perhaps a wee bit of reading.
  4. After nap load up the hubby and kids and travel to Athens to visit one of my bestest friends in the world, Catherine, and her brood. 
  5. Remember to take Catherine coffee and The Woman in Black because she MUST read it.
  6. Arrive home in time for Atticus's bedtime and successfully tuck him in for the night.
  7. Talk Sam into going out with his friends or painting.
  8. Make a homemade pumpkin spice latte, grad a quilt, and head to the couch.
  9. Read until midnight!  My plan is to finish The Night Circus!
I'm reading so many end-of-the-year-reading posts.  Tomorrow expect my stats and favorites.  2011 isn't over yet and I'm going to squeeze in one more book!



Catherine said...

yeah - we're good for coffee... and if i was a more diligent friend, you would be taking your wedding (ha!) quilt home with you. still bring woman in black though!

Amanda said...

Can't wait to hear your thoughts on The Night Circus!

That, and I'm really happy I no longer have to deal with diapers.

Heather said...

I can't wait to hear what you theof The Night Circus as well! You're plans sound marvelous! HappyNew Year!!